The legend of devil's bridge!

I have downloaded a scientific article about the legend of Devil Bridge at:

You can read the article by Dr. Carme Oriol from the University Rovria I VirgilĂ­ Google Scholar.


There are twenty seven versioj in Catalonia of the topic of the Devil building a bridge in one night in exchange for a soul of a victim.

Inside Europe and outside Europe, this theme is widespreed in the tradition of many countries around the world

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

Here's how you can see images from Devil's Bridge legends from different countries:

Image from an English traditional tale
Image from an German traditional tale
Image from an Italian tale
Image from an Russian tale
Image from an English traditional tale
Image from an English traditional tale
Image from an English traditional tale
Image from an English traditional tale

main ideas from the article

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